Underwater Acoustic Positioning Solutions

Gaps Series

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Paul Urvoas

Product Manager

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The following page covers Gaps Series’ defense applications. For more information on Gaps Series USBL or Posidonia, refer to our USBL Solutions page.

With units operating worldwide, the Gaps Series of high-accuracy USBL acoustic positioning and communication systems has become a reference for many users across the world. Offering unrivaled horizontal tracking capabilities and high-performance from extremely shallow water depths to 4,000 meters, the Gaps Series is used for various applications such as diver-tracking, AUV missions or for the most critical dynamic positioning operations.

Unmatched Positioning Performance

Thanks to it highly accurate positioning, robust north finding sensor, and its unique 200° aperture, Gaps Series is the most performant acoustic positioning solution on the market.

  Gaps M5 Gaps M5 Gaps M7 Gaps M7
Absolute accuracy (% of the distance) 0.20 0.06
Operating range (m) 995 4,000
Coverage (°) 200 200
Frequency band (kHz) 20-30 (MF) 20-30 (MF)
Embedded gyro type AHRS INS
Heading (° sec lat) 0.5 0.01
Roll & Pitch (°) 0.1 0.01
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  Gaps M5 Gaps M5 Gaps M7 Gaps M7
Absolute accuracy (% of the distance) 0.20 0.06
Operating range (m) 995 4,000
Coverage (°) 200 200
Frequency band (kHz) 20-30 (MF) 20-30 (MF)
Embedded gyro type AHRS INS
Heading (° sec lat) 0.5 0.01
Roll & Pitch (°) 0.1 0.01
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Follow your UUV with Extreme Accuracy

Gaps Series is the ideal system to keep track of your Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV),  Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (UUV) or Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV).


Keep track of your divers in all environments

Gaps Series can easily be integrated on special operations boats such as a RHIB. Its wide, 200° aperture allows for above horizontal tracking. The combination of these two features makes Gaps Series the ideal choice for special forces. Whether it is at large or in shallow waters (rivers), Gaps can consistently and accurately track up to 10 divers simultaneously.


Release Submerged Equipment Remotely

Gaps Series is fully compatible with our Oceano range of acoustic releases. This allows for equipment submerged before the operation to be remotely released when needed.

User-friendly and Turnkey Solution

Any operator car use Gaps Series as it is particularly user-friendly. It is controlled using a regular workstation (a laptop for instance) with Gaps’ web-based interface installed on it. In addition, Gaps Series can be delivered as a complete turnkey solution, including a GNSS receiver.



Hassle-free Installation

Gaps Series embeds a Phins Series inertial navigation system. This allows Gaps to be a calibration-free system. Taking into account the system’s small size and light weight, this solution is easy to install, and ready-to-use.


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